Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Living ecstatically at the top of America.

I'm spent and I realize I've been pouring way too much detail into some of these posts. So here are some photos and descriptions of our past few days--Portland, OR with our friend Millie followed by 3 nights in Glacier National Park:

This is my friend Lady the lama, who lives on Growing Seeds farm in Corbett, OR. Skyler's college friend Millie is working at the farm this summer through a program called WWOOF (World Wide Organization of Organic Farms). It's a really cool place and she seems to be having a great experience so far.  Millie is also an awesome human being. Very thoughtful, self-aware, funny and insightful. She gave us a thorough tour of the farm and explored Portland with us later that night....but more importantly, look at this lama! Ain't she cute?

Seriously--I think she's the one.

After a great stay with Millie, we drove from Portland, OR to Glacier National Park. What a haul it was. We got in at 1 AM, set up our tent in the dark and crashed. But the next day made the trek more than worth it. This is a photo of Avalanche Lake, one of the most beautiful spots in the park. The three white streaks coming down the cliff face in the distance are raging waterfalls. Spectacular to say the least.

Skyler resting on a rock in Avalanche Lake.

I was oh so close to falling head first into some icy mountain water.

On day two of our stay in Glacier, Skyler and I hiked 4.5 miles and climbed 2,500 feet in elevation to Snyder Lake. Look what we found! Wait, It's June right?

Here is a shot I took at Snyder Lake. I think this hike was a pivotal moment in the trip for me. It provided an opportunity for some long overdue meditation and reflection. Out of pure joy for life, I let out a yell from one of the cliffs that echoed across the lake. I couldn't help myself.

We ended our stay in Glacier this morning with a quick skinny dip in Lake McDonald--our campsite was right on the banks of the water. It was the most invigorating swim of my life. Floating naked in crystal clear, icy-blue water underneath three jagged snow-capped peaks cutting magnificently through the sky: you can't beat that. We let out a few more yells, exulting in the thought that we had arrived at the top of the country.

We jumped in the car and headed south to Bozeman, MT where we are now staying with the parents of a good friend of mine, Carter Wilkinson. Todd and Jeanne, his folks, have been great hosts so far. They treated us to a fantastic meal (with fruits and veggies, woohoo!) and great conversation. Then they gave us a quick tour of the city, which seems like a great place to live. We ended up on Pete's Hill at sunset overlooking four different mountain ranges in the distance, with Bozeman nestled in between them. It was one of the best days of the trip so far. 

I'll try to flesh out my thoughts on Glacier and post them the next time we get internet. It really was a magical place and I think more than any other National Park, I have a strong desire to return to Glacier soon. Tomorrow we head further south to Yellowstone/Grand Teton/Jackson Hole to stay with my good friend Carter. I've been looking forward to the stay throughout the trip and I'm excited to see what he has in store for us.

Like a beat that knows time...

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